Which month in 2013 will bring me my best opportunities to locate my dream house in 2013?' Or, 'I am a Libra woman, born October 7, and have been out of work for several months. Here are two good examples of how to word your question: 'I'm a Sagittarius male, born December 14, and I'm house hunting. You will increase your odds of having Susan answer your particular question if you ask in a way that would appeal to the widest possible audience. Susan will also take questions on everything from Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's baby to what's coming up for each of the signs. Susan will have lots of suggestions about how you might take best advantage of this important new trend. Even if you are not a Cancer, you will benefit, for Jupiter will now visit a new part of your chart. Jupiter is due to arrive in Cancer on the same day as Susan's chat, June 25, and will remain in this sign for over a year, until July 16, 2014.
Astrologer Susan Miller and founder of the popular website Astrology Zone will host a one-hour chat on Tuesday, June 25, at 11:00 AM at to celebrate the arrival of Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in Cancer for the first time in twelve years.